The puzzle consists only of the numbers. Only knowledge of English is required. Everything else is provided for convenience. Hints below. A game made for the Confounding Calendar.

If you have no idea where to start, click this link

0. Hint Zero
Wait, you can't start at zero! Just start at one!
1. Initial Questions
The link from Hint 1 has a few different ways to decode encoded information, but what does it mean that only knowledge of english is required? Which of the encoding techniques must have been used?
2. The Key Question
Each of those numbers is an index... but what is there to index into?
3. A Push
I don't want to spell out the answer to you, but... it might be helpful.
4. My Thoughts On The Concept of Space
I hate space. I would get rid of any bit of space you can.
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can i get a hint :-(


combine them all

This was very fun to solve!

(2 edits)

Very interesting, reminds me of octogram (which i just fully beat)!

Imo hint 4 is a bit obscure though. I don’t think anyone would use that hint since the correct solution perfectly fits (purposely being really vague here)

If anyone needs an extra hint:

It’s self indexing. Maybe try spelling out the numbers as a string of letters?