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After checking all hints finally figured out. Awesome!

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can i please get a hint on the first one

Hi! Before I give a hint, I want to confirm you’ve seen the hints in the description, including the link that says “click this link.”

I will also add that there is only one level/puzzle. 

With that out of the way, what are your thoughts so far? Do you know what the title refers to? How might you do what the title refers to with the information given in the puzzle?

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Edit: I had a skill issue.

Is the answer not <rot13> EVIRG </rot13>? The checker does not accept it and when I checked the hints they lined up with my reasoning.

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ooh interesting... that isn't right, so I'm curious what your reasoning was...

(I can give a hint, but I'll need to know what you're currently thinking)

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Sorry for the confusion. I double checked after getting some sleep and it turned out I <rot13> fvzcyl zvfpbhagrq yznb </rot13>.

can i get a hint :-(


combine them all

This was very fun to solve!

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Very interesting, reminds me of octogram (which i just fully beat)!

Imo hint 4 is a bit obscure though. I don’t think anyone would use that hint since the correct solution perfectly fits (purposely being really vague here)

If anyone needs an extra hint:

It’s self indexing. Maybe try spelling out the numbers as a string of letters?